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Snowball FightSnowball Fight is a 3D game where kids throw snowballs in the yard around the house.
The game is played by two children, one against another. Each of them controls a character with keyboard or joystick. The aim is to hit the other player as many times as possible and not to allow to be hit back.

The game has a choice between two types of players - fast running but weak throwing and vice versa - clumsy, but with great throwing force.
The terrains are also 2 - around the house and in the park. Different weather conditions can also be selected.

Different power-ups appears during the game, which can be collected by passing through them.

Direct download of version 0.9 for Windows from here:
DOWNLOAD Walaber Snowball Fight v0.9

Download page at the official site:
DOWNLOAD Walaber's Snowball Fight

Official site:
Walaber's Snowball Fight - Site

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